"He'll Be Home For Christmas" is an upcoming series about a family who is reunited with their deceased father every Christmas.
The series will take place over seven episodes, each episode will be a different Christmas Day starting in 2009.
We need your help to make this project happen!
THANK YOU for considering donating to this project.
Here is what you can get for your contribution!
The 'Ho! Ho! Ho!' charm
Thank you in our credits and IMDb.com.
The 'Christmas Jammies' love & thanks
A thank you in our credits, a digital poster and a sneak peek of our premiere episode!
The 'Special Ornamental' thank you
All the above, plus your name on an ornament that will be placed in a scene. You also get the ornament prop after!
The 'Family is Everything' thank you
All the above, but instead of an ornament, we will create a custom Christmas Card with a photo of whatever you choose to be featured in the series (keep it PG, please!
The 'Joy to the World' gratitude
All the above, plus an 'Associate Producer' credit on the premiere episode!
$1,000+ DONATION
The 'Deck the Halls' feeling
All the above, plus a 'Associate Producer' credit on all the episodes, and an invitation to our set and two tickets to the premiere!
$2,500+ DONATION
The 'Letter to Santa' giant thank you!
All the above, an 'Executive Producer' credit on all the episodes, plus a cameo appearance in the series!
Scan HERE to donate via Venmo!
Or search: @HomeForChristmas on Venmo.
CLICK HERE to donate via PayPal
![PayPal Button](https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_LG.gif)
![PayPal Button](https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif)